The genesis of this seductive design springs from the period when men endowed with the cavalier spirit and unquenchable lust for life carried illicit alcohol from the exotic ports of the Caribbean basin, to the tables of the landed gentry. The western coastline of Florida, where the designer of the Prowler series was born, was a natural epicenter of this activity with its myriad of coves, rivers and secluded bays. The turbulent Straits of Florida and the 400 mile open water stretch presented challenges for both men and equipment. The sleek, low profile rum runners equipped with powerful engines and piloted by watermen of great courage and formidable skills were more than up to the task.
Utterly dependent upon the designer and builder's integrity, these brave adventurers piloted sleek and powerful craft across perilous waters without benefit of a rescue service or modern navigational aids. Though Prohibition had long been repealed, these hardy seamen continued their trade until the Cuban revolution in 1959 brought an end to this roguish period on the Florida waterfront and an exciting period in American history. Perhaps their longevity reflected that for many, the less common, "hand made" image of fine cane whiskey was simply better due to the extra care in the brewer's art. So it is with the Prowler from Marlow.
Today, many of us hunger for the finer details and rewards of a life well lived. The sleek and rugged craft those men chose are more germane today than ever. Our cargo today is our family and friends and the time even more precious in our fast paced world. And so, the seed for the Prowler was, as often is the case, germinated by practical realities, or simply the need for perfection.